Costs in Annulment Cases in the Philippines

There are a lot of questions posted in this Forum as to the cost or fee for an annulment procedure. The standard reply is: it depends. We could not possibly speak for the standard fees charged by all lawyers and the costs would normally go up if the case drags on as a result of contingencies (as when hearings are postponed for various reasons). It would also depend on the ground or grounds for annulment or declaration of nullity.

I have to write this post because there’s a report that the Supreme Court is considering an accreditation system for psychiatrists and psychologists who examine couples seeking to annul their marriages. The report and testimony of psychiatrists and psychologists are needed should a petitioner seek a declaration of nullity based on Article 36 of the Family Code (Psychological Incapacity).

The Inquirer news report reads in part:

The move, according to lawyer Nimfa Cuesta-Vilches, assistant court administrator, is meant to regulate the fees of doctors and medical experts following complaints from litigants that their services have become costly.

“Before, the fee was around P10,000 to P15,000 per case. Now, the fees ranged from P20,000 to more than P30,000,” she said.


“Psychiatrists appeared to have agreed to charge the uniform rate of P30,000 that many clients could not afford,” a lawyer said.

An accreditation system would prevent them from turning their services into a business that would be detrimental to the cause of poor litigants.

I presume that the need for accreditation will be the subject of a study by the Supreme Court should it pursue this move. In the meantime, let’s hear what you have to say about this move.

See also: Procedure in Annulment and Declaration of Nullity of Marriage; Steps / Procedure in Legal Separation Cases and Process of Judicial Recognition of Foreign Divorce Decree; also, Annulment, Divorce and Legal Separation in the Philippines: Questions and Answers (Part I and Part II).


52 thoughts on “Costs in Annulment Cases in the Philippines

  1. virginia

    atty.fred, magkano po ba ang annulment cost po ngayon isa po akong teacher hiwalay na po ako ng 13 years. gudto ko po danang mg file kaso po sobrang mahal po hindi ko po kya pwedi nyo po ba akong tulungan para mapawakang isa ang kasal ko?

  2. Leoniza

    Hi Atty..ask ko po sana kung ano dapat kung gawin.almost 12 years no communication sa dati kung husband.invalid na po ba marriage namin or my kailangan ako ifile sa court pra maging single ulit ako at pwede na ako mgpakasal sa iba?gusto ko na po maging Malaya.pls help me and how much po.?..

  3. Anna

    Hello Atty.

    Good day, I really need your advice. I am Filipina but now I work abroad in Canada. I was separated by my husband last year because he accused me to have an elicit affair with my co-worker before. He files a case against us my friend and me an ADULTERY case.So it happened that time when he file a case against me i received my Visa and I need to flight on the said date. So on that case the case until now is still going on but only my friend has an appearance in the court. But in my case I did not appear in the court because during the first hearing I was in Canada.So, now the case is still going on. My question is,Is it ok for me and safe to go home because I need to visit my children. And is it possible for me to come back in Canada? Because I just ask a leave so I need to go back for work. Please guide me. thanks.

    Hope and immediate response with my letter.

  4. Edwina

    My sister’s marriage was null and void to begin with because her so called husband has a prior valid marriage before hers. How much and how long to nullify a non existent marriage

  5. Milane

    Hi!i would like to ask regarding my situation.,I’m marriage by 2007 as an secret marriage only and My husband since 2007 when I found out that he has 3 kids and wife but not marriage so I decide to leave him because his wife begging me and the 3 kids is very young and youngest one is month old only and until now I don’t have idea where he is now?but my niece she notice that he’s already marriage with the other girl and 2 kids he’s marriage 2011 so my question can I marriage again?
    Pls this is my email

  6. Maria teresa

    I want to know how i get devorce while 11yers without contact or intimacy with my husband but have properties

  7. christal

    Hi how much cost for annulment or marriage in ormoc city, leyte.
    by the way i already converted to Islam. is there any different procedure the easiest way to annul my marriage

  8. Andrew

    I’ve been married to a Filipina for just over 12 months with no children involved. (married in Philippines)
    I am New Zealand citizen living and working in Middle East for the past 20 years.
    I have known my wife for nearly two years in total and have supported her and her family since the day we met financially. The marriage hasn’t worked out due to her financially sending to bankruptcy.
    We have been living apart for the past 6 months, and I am still support her and family.
    I have no intentions for another marriage etc.
    She will be coming back to the middle to work ASAP and says she will support her family in the future.
    What are my legal obligation if any for the future once she starts working again?

    Thank you,

  9. Genevieve

    I was married way back 2010 . Not a long year after i decided to leave him because he harrased her 1st cousin. It was a traumatic experience for me thinking he might do it in our children.
    After months of separation he had a girlfriend and they have a child. Will it be a ground for annulment?

  10. Angel

    Hi attorney , Iam a widow and my boyfriend is separated for 9 years, can he get an annulment for us to get married.he lives in Makrikina and dont know the whereabouts of the wife.


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