Costs in Annulment Cases in the Philippines

There are a lot of questions posted in this Forum as to the cost or fee for an annulment procedure. The standard reply is: it depends. We could not possibly speak for the standard fees charged by all lawyers and the costs would normally go up if the case drags on as a result of contingencies (as when hearings are postponed for various reasons). It would also depend on the ground or grounds for annulment or declaration of nullity.

I have to write this post because there’s a report that the Supreme Court is considering an accreditation system for psychiatrists and psychologists who examine couples seeking to annul their marriages. The report and testimony of psychiatrists and psychologists are needed should a petitioner seek a declaration of nullity based on Article 36 of the Family Code (Psychological Incapacity).

The Inquirer news report reads in part:

The move, according to lawyer Nimfa Cuesta-Vilches, assistant court administrator, is meant to regulate the fees of doctors and medical experts following complaints from litigants that their services have become costly.

“Before, the fee was around P10,000 to P15,000 per case. Now, the fees ranged from P20,000 to more than P30,000,” she said.


“Psychiatrists appeared to have agreed to charge the uniform rate of P30,000 that many clients could not afford,” a lawyer said.

An accreditation system would prevent them from turning their services into a business that would be detrimental to the cause of poor litigants.

I presume that the need for accreditation will be the subject of a study by the Supreme Court should it pursue this move. In the meantime, let’s hear what you have to say about this move.

See also: Procedure in Annulment and Declaration of Nullity of Marriage; Steps / Procedure in Legal Separation Cases and Process of Judicial Recognition of Foreign Divorce Decree; also, Annulment, Divorce and Legal Separation in the Philippines: Questions and Answers (Part I and Part II).


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