One Person Corporations in the Philippines

A One Person Corporation is a corporation with a single stockholder, who must be a natural person, trust, or an estate. It must not be confused with a corporation sole. The creation of a One Person Corporation or OPC is provided in Title XIII (Special Corporations) of Republic Act No. 11232, also known as the “Revised Corporation Code”. The guidelines, as provided in SEC Memorandum Circular No. 7, series of 2019, are discussed below. 

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Kinds of Pleadings: Summary/Discussion re 2019 Proposed Amendments to the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure

Pleadings are the written statements of the respective claims and defenses of the parties submitted to the court for appropriate judgment. The 2019 Proposed Amendments to the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure (hereinafter, “2019 Amendments”), which takes effect on 1 May 2020, retains most of the provisions of Rule 6 (Kinds of Pleadings) under the 1997 Rules. [The summary of other Rules may be tracked through the Menu.]

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How Many Years Before a Marriage becomes Void in the Philippines?

There are a number of articles in this Forum discussing the legal reality that a marriage, no matter how may years the spouses are apart or separated, remains valid under the laws of the Philippines. The questions, however, keep pouring in. After how many years of separation is a marriage annulled? If married but separated for 10 years, is the marriage void? Does the marriage become invalid after 7 years of separation? Can I remarry if my husband abandoned us?

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Manner of Making Allegations in Pleadings: Summary/Discussion re 2019 Proposed Amendments to the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure

There are significant changes provided in the 2019 Proposed Amendments to the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure (hereinafter, “2019 Amendments”), which takes effect on 1 May 2020. This is a summary/discussion of Rule 8 (Manner of Making Allegations in Pleadings). The summary of other Rules may be tracked through the Menu.

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Extension of Enhanced Community Quarantine (1-15 May 2020): Coverage and Guidelines

The Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) has been extended until 15 May 2020 (see update under Executive Order No. 112 issued on 30 April 2020). The ECQ was previously scheduled to last only until 30 April 2020. Based on the recommendations of the Inter-Agency Task Force for Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF), there will be a further evaluation if the ECQ can be relaxed starting 16 May 2020. [Update: Quarantine classifications from 1 to 15 June 2020

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Mergers and Acquisitions under the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR)

Part of the regulatory framework governing mergers and acquisitions in the Philippines is the review, when specific thresholds are met, by the Philippine Competition Commission (“Commission”), pursuant to Republic Act No. 10667, also known as the “Philippine Competition Act“. The details are provided in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR).

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Declaration of Martial Law under the Philippine Constitution: Exercise and Review

The constitutional provisions on Martial Law — as contained in Section 18, Article VII of the Constitution — is intended to provide additional safeguard against possible abuse by the President in the exercise of his power to declare martial law or suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. Section 18 contains six paragraphs, and reads in full:

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